Sunday, August 11, 2024

A bridge still to cross February 12, 2014


They say history repeats itself I just never expected to be repeated so soon

With A on her way back to Los Angeles, reunited with her fiancé, she is no longer available to play the femme fatale in yet another election-- this one taking place down in peninsula City

But some of the players are the same.

 James and Lauro apparently are making a bid to run one of the three candidates in the mayoral election and their rival is Joey d

The question is will are poet be drafted to do for the third party in this election what A did in hometown last November

And who will be her handler if she does

I often suspected that there was some sort of relationship between James and our poet, and I mean more than the fact that he owns the bar a block from our house.

this is for the little bit ironic if it is true because James is the one who told me about the plot to go after the congressman when she was still working at her office.

How did he know about her working with RR? Was James included in the plot?

James has double crossed people in the past. During the Hometown election, he even betrayed his best friend, Tom.

but I could not imagine him going after the congressman like that on behalf of our poet and RR when the small man – the congressman’s ally -- rotects James and has given him contracts and jobs

it is possible of course that her recent leaving of her job in the Virgin Mayors town may take her out of the picture entirely

life goes on so does politics with or without her

James is more loyal to Beth than he is to the small man and Beth is very connected to the incumbent mayor in the peninsula City which may be why there may be a repeat of the hometown election if James and Lauro take over as the campaign manager and staff for the leading Challenger

This could mean a repeat of sabotaging the challenger campaign from within just the way James appears to have been part of the plot to destroy the third party in hometown in the last election

As with the hometown election our owner has a deep interest in the outcome and appears to be supporting the incumbent mayor and he is also incredibly fond of James since James brings a lot of advertising from Beth to our publication

of course, from every indication included in her poetry, our poet appears to be out of the running and no longer interested impressing people with her political savvy and she may not have any interest in peninsula City even though Joey d has been trying to get her a job if the chief Challenger wins

this of course would put her on opposite sides with James since James apparently would be working on behalf of the incumbent mayor to try to destroy the Challenger and since any job she would get would be coming from the Challenger not the income that mayor

our poet’s limited posts on her external Facebook page suggests she is in a crisis regardless of the fib she tells other people

this was a particular to an image of a rope bridge that goes off onto some tree covered ledge.

 her mother responded with some quick remark about not wanting to go on to it. But the poet responded back that she still has a bridge to cross, more than a suggestion that she is coming to a point of a decision, perhaps one as drastic as the one after she fled her restaurant in early 2011 and other places prior to that.

since leaving our office she has gone through a number of minor adjustments but not totally abandoning the new life she had set up here. But each change brought about a lesser degree of security. The loss of her job with the city has to be a huge blow since if served as a safety net

Yet she wrote about angels keeping her safe and this came about the same time as her firing or resignation

What this means still is as big a mystery as what exactly happened to her forcing her out or even the bigger question as to what she intends to do next



email to Al Sullivan

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