Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Drowning again aug 26, 2024


I fall behind on my posts

I get a deluge with of hits from Singapore

 as if I could actually stop

this stuff is in my blood just as she is

is this Morse code is she sending a message

 are all 600 hits telling me to keep going or to stop

I breathe water

 I'm so deeply immersed in it , in her

 the accumulation of it all

leaving me sitting at the bottom of the sea

 with no way to ever reach the surface

there on my own accord

still stirred by all that has stirred me before

 I drown in the memories

in the same churned up stuff

that nearly drowned me before

I can't stop

 I can only occasionally stagger

desperate to read the tea leaves

that tell me what she wants

I am as helpless now as I was then

 and perhaps no more wiser either


email to Al Sullivan

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