Monday, August 19, 2024

Fringe benefit February 17, 2014


The owner was in  foul mood this morning, a mood made worse a story by our boss and D m generated by our poet.

Although our boss mentioned our poet in connection with the story last week, she did not mention our poet at our weekly meeting when the owner asked about where the story had come from,

The owner looked at me a lot, but I kept silent, hoping he wouldn’t try to blame me.

James may well have the owner’s ear, but he can’t control our publication without the poet or A on the inside.

This may well feed our owner’s fear.

The owner no doubt has heard about our poet being fire (or resigning) from her job in the Virgin Mayor’s office.

Like most of us, our owner most likely got some odd version of the truth, perhaps with some other twist, maybe even looking for a scapegoat to blame, when whatever happened to the poet has nothing to do with me, our office or even the players who continually try to manipulate us for their own benefit.

For a while I thought our owner was her big fish – but suspect this changed when she moved on to get a job with the Virgin Mayor, although it is clear, part of her attractiveness to the powers behind the mayor was her history with us, even though I have become convinced they were not the ones who pulled her strings while she worked with us: RR was.

Although she’s not stupid, and isn’t easily used by anybody.

So, it is to wonder what exactly got said to our owner over the weekend that put him into such a mood this morning, this need to assign blame – even if it is a relief to not to the only one to get blamed for stuff in this poet’s game.

And Yet, I get the feeling that our owner is desperate to blame me for something, if only because he has to appease the people who are actually using him, perhaps James.

Our owner is something of a manic depressive, and his current mood is dramatically different from the one he displayed last week when he claimed he was “a lover not a fighter.”

Perhaps he didn’t then know that our poet had lost her job, and perhaps he’s come to realize that the good times he might have had with her are finally coming to an end.

It seems – at least for today – that we have traveled back in time to the bad old days of the Summer of 2012 when I became the focus of his wrath, and he sought to find an excuse to fire me.

How much – if anything – our poet says to him, I can’t say. He may be more influenced by James, who may have convinced him that I am some kind of threat, since our boss is up to his eyeballs in corruption, not merely a victim, and his ambition to succeed seems to depend on other people, none of whom he can fully trust, or trust at all.

Perhaps our poet was simply a fringe benefit he won’t be able to enjoy any more, explaining his foul mood.


email to Al Sullivan

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