Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Lead in the water Dec. 3, 2024


The shut off the water on our 1888 house in order to remove the lead piping from the street

We've been here since 2016 drinking lead infused water so perhaps I've already done the damage

The house of course belonged to the former police chief who mistakenly believed that I had put him on the power list for our publication back in 2011 or 12

 I never corrected him although it was most likely are poet who put them on the list

He did not want us to tear down the house because he had grown up in it and we did not want to tear it down because it is one of the few single family houses in town with a driveway

our moving here coincided with our poet moving out and I have never been able to determine whether this was purely coincidental or whether she fled to Manhattan knowing we were living on the same street only opposite ends of the Palisades

As it is I didn't get to take a shower before they turned off the water so I am grimy and uncomfortable

And also had a bad mood partly because the holiday season's coming and I am not looking forward to it

As I get older the holidays being less appealing because there's fewer and fewer people to share it with and I still miss my best friend Paulie who passed away just prior to the covid pandemic in 2020.

The grungy men, up to their eyeballs and dirt and concrete outside, assure me that we will have water again by the end of the day although the notice they gave us said we should refrain from drinking anything out of the tap for a few days or to filter it somehow and they gave us pictures that filter water for lead

I sort of feel the same way now as I did back when the environmental lobby managed to remove lead from gasoline which of course made cars less efficient and caused older cars to sputter and die in the side of the road

Anyway I'm still making plans to go see my daughter at some point the next month although little the Christmas tree lightings and other silly stuff I have to cover I am not exactly sure when

I have no way to know what our poet is doing this Christmas season most likely going to whatever parents houses both within easier reach of where she currently lives then where she previously moved from last Christmas

We're stuck with two kittens from the yard who are driving me crazy we can't put up Christmas tree because of the cats knock it down and we can't put it up with a new kittens are because they are even more rambunctious than the rescue cats we had before

Anyway holiday is coming and we're getting out the stockings to hang before the fireplace we don't have in anticipation of getting cool again this year

email to Al Sullivan

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