Sunday, November 24, 2024

Phone connect Nov. 24. 2024


The poet's name popped up on my telegram account a few days ago.

 the alert said that her number had just logged in

It startled me to say the least, making me wonder if this was yet another effort to ferret me out all these years later.

though in fact she could not have known I had an account because I had changed numbers more than once since those days when we texted

I had kept her number in my contacts along with that of her brother, her stepmother and others who had bushwhacked me during her birthday exchange in July 2012 but I made a point never to call it

When her name popped up on my screen as a new telegram subscriber I was tempted to delete it but was puzzled by the fact that the photo associated with the account was not of her but rather some Korean woman

I contacted the person just to check

 she confirmed she was not the poet, yet immediately directed me to another account and shortly after this the account with the poet’s number was deleted-- something that also startled me.

It's not that the Korean woman was annoyed by my contact. in fact she continued the conversation at the new link but when I asked her later how long she had had the number associated with the poet she said not long

this led me to assume the poet had given up the number, possibly because she got sick of getting texts from her stalkers or perhaps gave it up in connection with her most recent move north from where she lived

still there are several unanswered questions such as how his Korean woman currently living in Miami got a cell phone with a 201 area code

This leaves me to wonder was the number still the poet’s after all and my contact freaked her out

 the Korean woman continues to text me, seeming to verify that she who is who she is

yet the whole exchange comes off at an odd moment a bit of synchronicity perhaps or perhaps just a coincidence, making me wonder if I am actually talking to the poet after all, even though the Korean woman does not come across the way I remember the poet doing so.

Maybe I’m just being paranoid

email to Al Sullivan

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