Tuesday, January 14, 2025

She is almost there June 28, 2014

 So the guy she said had not gotten back to her finally got back to her and got her a job – wel almost

The scary part of all this is how much it sounds like it did four years ago after she had left her job in New York state, reinventing to the role of newby trainee, who wants to learn all there is to learn about her new job so she can impress her new boss.

 she's met several bosses already and this suggests a pecking order she may be able to trickle up just as she has done each and every other place she's worked

she won't say what the job is for privacy and not put a jinx on it, but most likely she does not want any of her enemies to do anything to screw things up before she has her chance to get into it for real

she has taken several steps back in this piece perhaps because she haven't posted in a while and skipped some of the intermittent steps that show her reading her mask to the new reality

while she complains about how stagnant her life has been lately, it is still pretty packed, she claims, neglecting to mention her recent trip to The majestic hotel near Asbury Park, a place he has taken previous trips to possibly to visit the same person

True to form when she regains her sense of entitlement she tries to convince people just how overworked she is

She claims she's not taking on the work like she used to, so she feels slower and the use of  the word “women” suggest it is some sort of not profit maybe, a women's center perhaps and this makes two points with her new boss in one sentence

She's obviously leaping into the new job with two feet, doing a lot at the start then getting overworked to the point where she needs to reduce the workload and so she winds up doing less later still overworked anyway

The new job apparently will emphasize her writing skills most likely PR

she mentions how completed she feels to write even though she does not feel particularly philosophical .she must assume her new boss is among those reading her blog although she clearly his referencing to someone else as well

She said she has to do some catching up in the blog to keep people apprised of her current situation

She said she had her second interview with the organization which he had been waiting to hear from and who she thought had forgotten about her.

 she was scheduled for a third interview with the boss of bosses yesterday and has been asked to study up on a bunch of subjects relevant to the writing position and then discuss them over the phone in order to prepare for fourth interview

The fourth interview with the boss of bosses is scheduled for July 7th

She said the job meets all her criteria and then some at a reputable non-profit for a cause close to her heart in the Union Square area

It is run by incredibly gifted kind and generous people who seem to respect those around them and have already demonstrated and ability to see what she has to offer and to value it and it is a writing position

She seems to be scolding her old bosses for not appreciating her well buttering up her new bosses her

Her wording suggests that she will be working with disabled or some sort she says she hasn't talked about pay yet but won't settle for less than she previously made

In some way she says the job seems too good to be true

It is very difficult to tell just how much of all this is real since everything hinges on things that I know nothing about and how this fits into her ability to seek power

 but she is clearly sending a message to others that she has landed something better despite those others getting rid of her

She goes on to describe the level of difficulty in her determination to do well the materials she's been asked to peruse or apparently dense and bureaucratic.

 nothing new to her though she's spent hours pouring over it, making written notes then computer notes, then flashcards

She met with a friend  -- who worked with the same clientele tthis not profit advocate for -- to discuss what she learned and how she waits for the phone call on the boss to discuss what she learned in order to prepare for the meeting with the boss

She seems to think that the boss has stacked the deck in her favor and trying to see how well she does in dealing with the dense material and this is something like she had to go through when taking SATs and hopes that his faith in her is legitimate, and that her task will be to convince others and not disappoint them.

She's also a bit scared that after putting so much effort in time into this she won't get the job although her intuition tells her she will

But even if she doesn't, it is how she moves through the world she writes learning no matter what topic it is never a waste no applying yourself wholeheartedly and 110% towards your journey

She is trying to avoid some of the mistakes in the past. this is not a reflection on her Worth or her abilities or her deservingness

 in the meantime, she has to drive herself slightly nuts waiting for today's goal and then waiting a week for hopefully final interview

she posted nothing since this

it's difficult to tell how the phone interview went or if there will be a follow-up on July 7th even if the phone call went well she might be too scared to jinx it with another posting until she is sure of what she's got

email to Al Sullivan

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