Sunday, January 12, 2025

Another opportunity June 26, 2014


Our poet went camping for Memorial Day weekend. I never told her for the outdoors types, but maybe I don’t know enough about her. She made no reference as to whom she went with.

Her posts keep harping on the same themes. Each post our poet posts seems to be verifying her need to reinvent herself, part of a mantra that she has been chanting for months but seems more intense now

 again with this sense that she may be sending a message to someone, maybe at the clinic but more likely someone who she had an interchange with earlier this year someone important to her someone who's trust she seeks to regain

She is still reeling from the blow to her ego I think and this catastrophe is different from what she suffered back in 2010 in that she got a taste of real power and seems unwilling to take the menial jobs she was willing to accept prior to this

She wants to market her skills and has scheduled a meeting with a local promoter to get his advice which may explain the reference she made about a man promising her a great job and her still not hearing from him if so she may have exaggerated the offer because he offered her part-time work not full-time job

In the same posting she talked about dating a man she also really hit it off with and how he did not get back to her either and it is possible it is the same man, since her professional encounters tend to also involve some level of social interaction.

This is a man from the Virgin Mayors town with a job in hometown who she had reached out for advice from and how she might market her skills and he invited her to his Hometown office to meet and discuss the matter.

 the encounter clearly did not turn out if she had planned and she is still seeking some way too regain the power she lost when ejected from the Virgin Mayors town it is difficult to know if she will find something before she falls into another fit of depression and cast off her current ED cure

email to Al Sullivan

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