My source in the inner circle of the Virgin Mayor claims our
poet’s name came up during a meeting this week,
She allegedly tried to get her job back and was rejected
This may explain some of what she said in a recent essay,
blaming someone for causing her to have a minor relapse with her disorder.
She may have approached someone last weekend – possibly the Virgin
Mayor himself – and this person rejected her, which apparently prompted the
discussion among the inner circle, and led to her writing her spoiled grapes essay.
June 6, 2014
I stopped writing the previous essay nearly a month, picking this up again when I
got told she attended a fundraiser for the Virgin Mayor, again with the aim of
getting her old job back.
She was apparently received warmly from all, including my
source, who apparently has become as taken with her as the rest of us.
My source claimed things looked good for her possibly
getting reinstated.
Unfortunately for her, the PR person for the congressman
pulled strings to prevent it from happening. The PR person claims – in her
words – that our poet got her hooks into the business administrator, someone
she may have been involved with prior to all this (Joey D) or she may simply
have leaped onto his bandwagon when all the others rejected her.
But a lot has changed over the last month and Joey D has already
moved on after running the election in the Peninsula City, where he is expected
to take up a post as business administrator there if the challenger wins the
runoff and as the new mayor takes over on July 1. This may explain why Joey D
keeps trying to get her a job there. The congressman’s PR person, who is
connected closely with that mayor, may have stopped that as well, leaving our
poet fewer options and perhaps a shot a getting her old job back with the Virgin
From what I can gather, she apparently believed that enough
time has passed that would allow her to return, but has yet to come up with a
plan that would allow her to do so.
At the fundraiser, my source claims, she greeted everybody
with a kiss or a warm embrace. Joey D called an online political website to see
if he could find someone to hire her, something that also did not pan out
(possibly because of the Congressman’s PR person again putting the Kibosh on it
There is a strange alignment of people from the north part
of the county with those of the Virgin Mayor, such as James and his pal, Lauro,
and the chief of staff for the neighboring mayor, with whom our poet had a feud
(and who prior to that feud seems to praise our poet – no doubt a falling out,
and yet, more pieces to a complex puzzle.
I learned, too, that our poet and Silvio do not get along,
and he may be the person who got her dumped from the Virgin Mayor’s job in the
first place.
My source believes our poet may have hooked her wagon to
Lauro – since Lauro and Silvo are arch enemies, and as the old saying goes, an
enemy of an enemy etc.
When I asked the Congressman’s PR person about our poet
getting a job in Peninsula City.
“Over my dead body,” she said.
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