since I keep asking about what role she intends to play, and the answer may well be contained in a poem that she posted in early June which I wrote about yet not in the context of political power
when I first read it, I believed she spoke about love saga she seems to have been involved in since the beginning of the year
in some ways even in a role as a private secretary to the virgin mayor she seems to have dropped out of sight I assume that because her boss has taken up PR for the R campaign in hometown she would move on with him this may not be the case and word on the street is that a who formerly covered hometown for us may be getting a big role in that campaign although it seems as an undercover agent not to steal the strategies the way our poet did in her town but as an active saboteur looking to destroy ours challenger from within and if rumor is right she will get a hefty salary for the privilege
since a and our poet are rumored to be bar hopping pals this must sting since previously our poet seemed as someone who can seduced her way to the top of anything
the poem she posted on June 5th talks about fear and possible betrayal and the struggle she is undergoing to try to deal with the continued terrors in her life
I originally questioned what the new darkness was that she had not reckoned with as if somehow I had exposed myself and caused her to renew her panic when in retrospect it may have nothing to do with me at all but rather some internal conflict some betrayal by someone who she previously trusted not I think our former temporary boss who's undying love would come from ever hurting her even by accident
her poem takes her back to those night moments and the meditation she resorts to in order to calm the internal struggles she has to deal with if no longer me then someone else she clearly did not reckon on, but he has managed to keep her fears from washing away which she sometimes manages to do in the night
what unexpected darkness has come into her life
a later line in the poem implies some betrayal of an allegiance although it suggests that the ugly face of fear caused it, we soon forget this loyalty
is this hers or someone else’s
then she says if we stay silent it flees
the word we is repeated throughout the poem along with the word us so that she is clearly speaking to someone who she considered close and not some more distant former enemy the we and us suggest that whatever darkness came up on her also came down on her companion there are darknesses we have not reckoned with which remind them both of how fragile life is and how in the ugly face of fear we soon forget alliances though if they remain silent the fear flees it is impossible to know who these people are only that they suffer the plight of mortals when facing this darkness
it is also impossible to know if this has anything to do with the politics or the virgin mayor court case or even some loss of prestige some betrayal that in the fear of it risk severing connections to people, they were previously loyal to the poem suggests that she and her companion must hunker down and wait for this adversity to pass.
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