Saturday, September 5, 2020

Social justice warriors

If you bleed right away
and willingly for the
they won't suck you dry
when they get to you
these self-righteous moral Crusaders
that hide their fangs behind innocent lips
and masks by which to keep secret
who and what they are
mocking their victims
terrorizing you with the illusion
of their good deeds
claiming they attack you
because you are evil
because your ancestors wore hoods
This pack of savage rats
 who wear hoods of their own
justify them with historic wrongs
they claim they suffered
coming at you with fangs exposed
telling you to bare your throat willingly
Admit your guilt to all the crimes
They claim your ancestors committed
if you submit and let them bleed you
they may not take it all
only your pride
only your dignity
 only those elements of past and present
that define who you are,
the historic resistance to tyranny
this rat pack hates you most for
needing to strip you of everything,
but if you let them bleed you,
they may let you yet live
on their terms.

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