Friday, September 25, 2020

No justice; no peace


the drums start off slowly then grow faster
not loud persistent then a chant
peace, peace, we want peace
no justice no peace
this is meant to sound hopeful and full of love
and yet comes off as a threat
the naïve people in all such movements
have in the belief they are pure
when all else is not
that they seek peace when
they are actually at war
emboldened by those who speak
with forked tongues
when love doesn't counter hate
if it imitates hate
when justice this is justice
imposed on others,
these people imposing their view
on someone else
innocents who are not innocent
the passive who like the werewolf at night
turned rabid in the wrong phase of moon.
no justice no peace
the drumbeat goes on
I am struck by the fact
that they have a token white man
with dreadlocks doing the drumming too
as if this somehow is inclusive
when the real movement
won't ever include him
or the Democratic mayor
who sits up in front
and smiles and nods and applauds
as if he is fully cognizant of what is going on
when there is shooting in the background
and people being murdered
in the name of justice and peace
no justice no peace no justice no peace
what the piece they mean comes
with a full clip of ammunition
and an itchy trigger finger
full of rage that is not completely justified by history
only by media reports and perpetual mythmaking
the gradual rewriting of history that is not history
into a history and not what really happened
no justice no peace no justice
 the drumbeat goes on and on and on and so do the bullets

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