Thursday, September 24, 2020

It didn't start with Uncle Tom

 It didn't start with Uncle Tom

or even the black men
who pretended to be white men
who owned slaves in the south
it started in the heart of Africa
long before any black man
saw a white man to blame
black selling black
 slave owner being slave
 in a Madness that had most of the continent
enslaved at one point or another
so that when the Muslims came
 to take 14 million black men
nobody thought much of it
or when the Portuguese
saw the Muslims making money
they wanted their share,
then the Dutch, the French, British
and finally, Americans
black Kings sending black bodies
to the coast to be sold
friends, enemies, ex-lovers
even their own children
Kings angered when they heard
About Quakers in the west
Who wanted to stop
This flow of black gold
Kings who sent their victims along
In long chain lines to the coast
many not surviving the journey
many arriving so starved
that black agents for white slavers
killed them on the spot
or let them get thrown into the sea later
after disguising their frailty
Black kings who knew and could care less
as long as they were not the ones on the ships
in some cases, selling their own sons
into slavery or unwanted wives
This did not start with Uncle Tom
or even the Native American Indians
who had their own black slaves
or freed blacks who pretended to be white
it didn't start with white people at all
but in the rotten heart of Africa,
and black kings who got rich
until the west finally put a stop to it.

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