Saturday, March 8, 2025

Points of stone July 17, 2014

We press against the cold stone
Two trolls under
The drip, drip, drip
Of this old stone bridge
Each edge of the
hewn stone
pressing in us
as we press together
soft against soft
until even that
gets hard,
the drip, drive drip
as potent as a
Chinese water torture
Only this is not China
And this is not water,
And the bridge is not
Refuge against the storm
We feel rising inside,
Our lives
By this arch above us
And the rushing water
At our feet,
The swish of traffic
Rushing overhead
Unaware of our haunting,
We not so much
Fearing sunlight
As preferring the mood of gray
Twilight shares,
Needing no shades of it
To enhance the ache,
No artificial inducements
To increase the edge
Of what bookies out of us
Like points of stone

email to Al Sullivan

These circles of life Nov 8, 2024


Almost a year ago maybe more she danced around the May Poll, not in May, but for her mother's birthday, on the sand of a historic Beach town I nearly went to when she was there, a dreadful coincidence, I think, since she if she had seen me there, she would have jumped to the wrong collusion, assuming somehow, I had done so deliberately, when fate or God or some other higher power intervened and caused me to alter my plans to come later, when the whale appeared near the same Beach she did. How do you interpret these things, can they ever make any sense, when she once again altered her life and her living condition for reasons I still know nothing about, seeking contentment elsewhere with others than those she had resided with, these circles of life we cannot avoid, a stone into the middle of a pond

email to Al Sullivan

Consumpion July 15, 2014

A forefinger rubbed along the lip of a glass makes it moan;
My fingers stained and sticky from dipping inside;
This wine makes me whine from inside out;
Finger to tongue to test this vintage
Before I lift the lip of glass to my lips to sip,
My finger on this rim seeking soft edge
Into which I ache to plunge,
Tongue first and then the rest of me

A sip, and then, alas, consumption

email to Al Sullivan

Friday, March 7, 2025

Carrying on Jan 14, 2025


I sit at the crossroads of where I once was and am once again, the ruins of an old farm, from a time when I last came here, not far from where she sprouted wings, a caterpillar reborn as moth, her pretty wings taking her places my feet won't let me go, the did stalks of last fall’s corn, strewn along each side, full of memories, full of decay, the last gasp before winter turns to spring again, before summer, the decoration then with green, the old dairy farms turned into gas stations and Cannabis stores, celebrating the demise of our way of life, I search for the fruit and vegetable stands that have long gone the way of the dodo, no way to go back to redo what was undone, only carry on


email to Al Sullivan

First loaf July 13, 2014

She bakes bread
Each fall
After the first frost,
Clutching the long thin
Handle of the wooden spoon
So hard her knuckles
Go red
Veins thick along each
Finger as she stirs,
Working up the batter
Into a fitful froth
Until it is too thick
To beat,
Taking it out with
Both hands,
She molds it into
A long thick loaf,
Her hands are strong hands,
Gripping it tight as she kneads
Each finger pressing deep
Into the soft dough
Until she makes it hard,
Too tough to knead,
She stuffs it into her oven,
Where the deep heat
Makes it rise,
Makes it perfect.

email to Al Sullivan

Before winter’s embrace Jan 9, 2025


Sunlight filters through the closed windows of my overheated car as winter wages its war, the glow rippling from the rooftops, the grip of freeze on my fingers as I try to hold on to the memory of warmth, now so seemingly distant, too many years to remember when I last touched the sacred places, and last felt the cling of her lips against mine, this season the most dismal, the least sense of hope, enduring what needs to be endured, clinging to what warmed us back when we thought we would never feel warmth again, she being a different person now than she was back then, she seeming to accept something she sees as inhibitable, basking and sunlight while I still envision what she looked like, felt like, tasted like before Winters embrace

email to Al Sullivan

Love never stops July 13, 2014

Love never stops,
A lost penny rolling
Between the cracks of pavement
Or over the stones and sand,
Aching always
For a place to land,
Clinging to the fingers
That last held it,
Caressed it,
The imprint of love
Lingering on all
Touched by it,
Even ever rolling
To some unforeseen crevice
It never intended to go
A constant memory
Of that one moment
When love
Like a brand new penny
still shone bright,
It remembers
It never ends
It always renews itself.

email to Al Sullivan