Tuesday, October 15, 2024

I will not compare thee to a summer's day August 19th 2012

  I will not compare thee to a summer's day

 the heat of which boils inside me

making me hate the sweating passion

 these long nights bring

the kiss of summer wind

rattling the leaves from spring in my bones

the longing in the dark

 the Press of moist flesh

 the wet kiss that lingers

and then consumes me in memory

I sleep fitfully and wake

To the same intense heat

 as when I fell to sleep

 this eternal summer vacant

 as I recall what came prior to this

 the buds of may spoiled

turned brown before their time

 as I ponder them and wonder

who is fairest when I know

it is the this summer

stretched out with metaphor

 to painful rack

 exposed, excluded, extinguished, exiled

to watch from afar

 I will not compare thee to a summer day

 but to the long nights

the cold nights

when we exchanged

whispers in the dark

when we still believed

anything was possible

email to Al Sullivan

Her name in sand August 18th 2012

 I come to the sea

to find something

I know not what

the heat of the sun

burning my shoulders

as I've bend to write

her name in the sand much

as did the poet Spencer

and as was he

the waves came

and washed her name away

and being as stubborn as he

 I wrote her name again

 hearing her voice in the waves

mocking me

calling me foolish

 to believe I can make her immortal

 with such and unsubstantial substance

 even when names writ in stone

fade over time

we all turn to dust and forgotten

 this mocking voice claims

 but I like Spencer stood defiant

 sea whipping my hair

 staring my heart as I proclaim

the way he did that said the stone

 will hold her name

 as well as my poems can

writing as he wrote

her name in the heavens

where neither sea nor death

can dislodge her

my poems keeping her above

 long after the world

has subdued it

email to Al Sullivan

It does not age well like wine oct 7, 2024


what is it we live for

 if we do not take what

 we need or want what

 do we save our virginity

our innocence

 kept locked up


 until it turns to rust or dust well

more worthy men than me

 lust after it

dying  from want

 drying up for thirst

This is illusion we harbor

inside our chests. disguised

 a false prophet

 a deluded belief

we can keep it for

the perfect soul

when none such exists

 come down off the pedesta

l so we might look or touch or take

this is not like wine

that grows richer with age

 we must drink this up from

the first dip of our cups

 to become inebriated

 before it loses all virtue


email to Al Sullivan

Monday, October 14, 2024

Gripping smoke 2015


I do not wake up to monkey brain

just a stiff hangover from dreams

I can't resolve

the stirring of the night before

 the lingering memory of late night texts

 now gone if not forgotten

 the “wish you were here” syndrome

the teasing whispered words

 I still hear my head as I drift off

 I no longer clutch the cell phone

 the way I did back then

 I changed numbers too many times

to ever get the ping, the vibration, the longing

I merely dream I do

 the wake clinging to them instead

 like grasping smoke

 the recall slipping through my fingers

the harder I grip


email to Al Sullivan

Truth hurts April 3, 2014


who really shot JFK

 I think my brain is filled with theories

 I can’t prove and do not want to

like a jigsaw puzzle whose picture

I do not wish to see

but can't stop putting the pieces until I do

cringing at each new revelation

 telling myself all this can't be true

needing it to be untrue and yet

I can't stop desperate

as she is to get to the truth

if there is such a thing

my twisted morality projects

pictures of the wall of shadows

reality I'm scared to go out

 into the light to discover for myself

some truths are like burried treasure

are best left where they lay

letting life go on without evidence

yet as with JFK

I will always wonder how much

 I don't know and can't stop myself

from finding out

wishing to leave the curtain closed

 letting the wizard maintain his illusion


truth hurts more than fantasy does


email to Al Sullivan

Back to the big city april 5 2014


yesterday Joe -- my replacement in the peninsula City--  complained about the owner forcing him to slant stories in favor of the incumbent mayor, one more piece of evidence of corruption we can't do anything about

(and possibly what our poet meant when she talked about ethical and other issues in our publications0

GA the hometown blogger has asked for emails between our owner and James and no doubt this has prompted James to react, perhaps to use our former temporary boss to ferrit out what I know, suggesting once more a relationship between the two that may have roots back to 2012 when our former temporary loss sent the hometown reporter to seek out and destroy GA.

the other uncomfortable thing in all this is the close ties between my former temporary boss and Tim Carroll who was an operator for James on the paper several years ago may will be, the Brain trust who sought to take over the paper last year and the year before.

Our former temporary boss lacks real authority on paper, plays out the role of an important person he wishes he was. the more contact I have with him the more I realize just how much he imposes on other people and in many ways resembles our poet in that sense of desperation for power

it is easy to see how our poet managed to manipulate him although from what our poet most recently posted. she either has taken a step back from it all trying to rebuild her reputation in order to start over fresh or has already found some new venue and has little or minimum use for those whom she played in the past.

 but even in the post she posted yesterday, the poet retains the hunger for wealth and privilege that continues to keep her on the path to self destruction

she can't get the idea of being invisible out of her head or her blood even when she allegedly in the midst of reform.

her current effort to recover from her eating disorder is not about to fix this, so ultimately she will come back to the same place again regardless of how much therapy she gets because she is trying to fix the symptom not the disease

Since she has a tendency to pick losers like our former temporary boss rather than people who can actually give her access to power, she can't help but repeat what she has done especially as she ages and her ability to compete with younger women grows less

it clear she is nostalgic for that time 10 years ago when she assumed she was on the road to success.

 she had just met her soon to be husband and had started to record music she believed would bring her the fame and fortune she has craved since a kid

In her essay, she said she circled the block twice the block she lived two blocks down from 10 years ago in New York, near to the outpatient clinic she is on her way to.

It was a block she walked up and down several times a day to get to and from work and where she bought diet pills from

then she took a deep breath and walked through the lobby doors onto outpatient clinic on Wednesday

in an elevator with a huge mirror -- for some reason the elevator mirrors have always been something she avoided and if she had accidentally caught herself in them they've been most certainly made her promise not to eat anything that day except there she was on her way to eat again she cried the whole way

then she waited to see the therapist and wondered why she was there. she had spent two hours dressing that morning aiming not to look fat and to look spiffy enough to be in Manhattan

she felt once again unworthy. not sick enough, simply ridiculous, awkward, believing she should be spending her time looking for a damn job whileshe ate that damn sandwich and got on with her damn life

then fighting tremors sweats and tears she opened her eyes to see a group of women fighting the same fight she was and gradually she came to think this is just what she needed.

when she feared it being hard, she feared her actual life being harder and she feared her life without it because she needed help and this was part of the process

how honest all this is I can't tell since the poet writes this intentionally so that one of her handlers will read it( as well as those beyond her handlers family, friends and others who she is attempting to convince that she really is on the road to recovery and this is a brand new and more trustworthy poet.)

she may even see herself leaping into this as she leapsinto all her past projects, only to leap out when she is confronted by how hard it actually is

she may be manipulating but the tone of voice in these pieces seems less swarmy than pieces she described to manipulate with in the past with the exception of a few exaggerated essays

these essays seem moderate and realistic to suggest she is sincere on some level and if she is deluded, it may be simply be in the misconception that if she cures her eating disorder she will be on the road to a better life

this essay also gives clue to more serious issue of her need to be on the inside track. a player someone who can look out at the masses she has risen above

Going back to Manhattan stirred up all the old feeling , how good things felt there, the rhythm and life of the city she once fled from but continued to love,the pace around her outpaces the clamor in her head and she feels a little if just a teensy bit more sane, safer in these anonymous crowds than in a suburban mall or even int a crowded room than in a restaurant, moving and walking where they are all just moving and walking, pulsing units on their way to and from places, functioning as a larger organism rather than an excruciating group of individuallitic pathologies and psychodramas, and it is soothing her until she gets there and suddenly she feels exposed again.

our poet freaked out at first when her therapist said she will have to be in the program for a month. which is partially hospitalized program in which a patient continues to reside at home but commutes to the treatment center up to 7 days a week and usually involve group therapy, individual therapy and general assessments

why should she freak out seems odd in that she already knew when she left the clinic that she would need this kind of therapy, perhaps she assumed it would take less time as she had when she went to the clinic first, perhaps this is what she assumed they wanted her to hear and she has to justify her change of heart as she went to the next bit

she took a big breath and told herself it's going to be okay she can do it hard or not.

she has been doing hard all her life and she's going to get a lot more work done. she liked the idea when the woman told her this was going to change her life for the better. no one, the poet claims, ever told her that before

 the poet had told the woman she did not believe happiness was in her future perhaps it will be

email to Al Sullivan

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Greener pastures? April 4th 2014


it's easy to get paranoid and all this especially when our former temporary boss out of the blue asked me about the hometown Blogger lawsuit we've worked together for five months with out mentioned and then he leaves on the desk and asked me what the status Dean Dean gave a shrug and said he thought it was still discovery I said nothing but got the feeling this was somehow put on for my benefit since one of the sales people had just asked Dean For James's e-mail

since james hates the hometown blogger and has been out to get her for years, this conduit between our staff and him is more than a little uncomfortable

The suit against the hometown blogger is mostly about getting information as to whom the sources are.

Our former temporary boss believes I feed the blogger information from inside our paper, but in fact the principle source is a woman named kboken, whose identity James aches to find out, and is the hometown blogger’s best kept secret.

Kboken has posted things in the hometown blog about what goes on inside our paper even I was unaware of.

I suspect kboken is our boss, the female editor, who sabotaged our former temporary boss during her first maternity leave, and is responsible for the owners withdrawing their offer to make him editor in chief when she got back.

Since kboken and the hometown blogger have posted so much about our poet’s alleged dealings inside our office, all this inquiry may not be a coincidence. Although it is possible our former temporary boss got inspired by James.

I knew a lot more about the lawsuit than I let on, The hometown blogger was winning the suit, and this must have frustrated all of her enemies

I’m still not convinced that our poet’s activities in regard to our office is prompted by some unholy alliance with James – though it is possible.

Our former temporary boss dislikes James and the grip James has on our male owner, which feeds into the speculation that he may be in cahoots with our poet, since his efforts to control the paper came about the same time as our poet seemed to get involved with both our male owner and temporary boss.

I also do not believe that our former temporary boss operated on James’ behalf in going after the hometown blogger.

Our former temporary boss has his own reasons for hating the hometown blogger, in particular some of the suggestions the blog posted about his relationship with our poet.

Our poet’s recent essay dissing the male owner of our office seems to fit into this paranoid puzzle – questioning his ethics as well as suggesting potential scandal.

She still has to be peeved about the fact that our owners refused to pay her what she was worth as the paper’s best writer.

Since our male owner knew about our former temporary boss’ alleged involvement with our poet, this may explain the total disrespect our owner has for him.

I can imagine the friction between our poet and our male owner since I honestly believe she has feelings for our former temporary boss, and merely used our owner to get what she thinks she deserved.

This may also explain her essay going after our office and perhaps our owner in particular.

While I believe the Small Man is the person who encouraged our poet to resign from our office, I suspect she holds a number of people inside our office responsible: me, our owner and perhaps others.

All this may be water already under a bridge, since it is clear, even with her parting shot at us, she is moving on to greener pastures, wherever they might wind up.

email to Al Sullivan