Thursday, October 17, 2024

Aftermath April 6, 2014

Almost two years after the fact, I still revisit poems she sent me via email, and still ponder whether or not these were manipulation or sincere expressions of her feelings at the time.

Not nearly as cryptic as those she tended to post on her blog, they were part of a poetry conversation that began when we were still on good terms with each other, before she felt the need to disguise her messages (if indeed the later poems posted on her blog were actually part of a conversation at all.)

This series of poems were part of an exchange that we conducted in April 2012, and I have gone back and forth about them ever since, wondering if these were simply part of a web of deception (her trickling up) or an honest expression of affection. Even at the time, I had concluded that they were just too good to be true. Now, in retrospect, I wonder if some or all were a kind of warning, in an attempt to caution me about what we were about to fall into, and I – too enamored and confused at the time – did not pick up on these warnings.

One of the last of these poems, sent to me on April 18, 2012, recounted her reaction to intimacy we had engaged in, and in some ways, resembles a poem she later posted to her blog concerning another lover whose intimacy she claimed was good enough to die for.

In the poem, she talked about waking at 4 a.m., head still filled with traces of the previous night’s conversation with me, thoughts that brought up to semi consciousness, and the realization that I would be arriving that morning and she had not yet showered.

She said her body reflected her anxiety – her stomach in an uproar of panic thinking that I would arrive before she was ready

strangely she had been ready for this at least from the second she'd met me and her biggest internal struggle was this suppressed her past disappointments and focus herself on getting a shower she needed

just in case --  meaning that she was already anticipating what would happen.

the word “came” has multiple meanings here

I wish he had she writes though he did and there it was an i selfish because he didn't

this bit of confusing retrospect feels exactly what she expects and what she wants and whether she would be disappointed if what she really wanted failed to transpire

but of course in this point of the poem she says she's getting ahead of herself though the sexual innuendos are too obvious to ignore like bait on a fish hook I could not resist
she had set her alarm only it went off 3 minutes before I texted her to tell her I was on my way

I'm 2 minutes away I had texted

she bolted up thinking she was not ready and said to herself through mentally meant for me please wait
then again in an internal she tells herself that I have to look her in her eyes
and tries to reassure herself saying that I am only there to hold her and then tells herself keep telling yourself that  cub

the illusion here leads too expectations of sex and again in retrospect possibly where the whole thing went wrong. it might have been better in the long run if we had kept celibate

though she makes it clear here that was not possible at pointed out in a much more reason poem she becomes what others expect her to become and we become users and abusers even when we start out with the best intentions

but it is clear even in the early parts of this poem sex will transpire or at least she hoped it would

the use of Cub only makes the manipulation seem more obvious fitting into mythology of mentor and cub that she had already established and of course makes me wonder if perhaps she had penned a similar poem for our former temporary boss with whom she also had a cub meant a relationship

this segways into next stanza where she seems to be telling me what I wanted to hear again adapting to the rule of a golem who becomes what we expect from her

she doesn't stop there

She says all she could do is breathe then the rhythm of it slowed becoming miraculously endearing at which point she claimed all these thoughts of me made her wet the fabric of her sleep pants which she asked if they were sexy enough and then ask herself why she was thinking that
she tried to avoid the inevitable kiss, soft yet in sync with hers, desperate yet not needy instead “wanted” a word she repeats twice and the second time in capital letters

then she shifts into hyperbole similar to a later poem in which he spoke about how she had made love to someone in which the sex was good enough to die for

she described our interaction as like forces of Earth pushed together magnetizing our bodies.

needless to say back then I ate this up as she poured honey all over my ego

then she said I touched her in places she wanted yet tried to deflect for my sake but ultimately we could not avoid it

God or whatever resides above help us, she wrote, forgive what ever it is we were about to bark upon
this somewhat reflects the idea that she has conscience and that there is some sense of responsibility in this even if we are both spiraling out of control at that moment

she of course hit on the Crux of my dilemma back then (and perhaps even now) this sense of it all spiraling out of control and how lost my rational mind became as the more primitive side began to take ove, and I came to a point where I was willing to give her whatever she asked for and do whatever she wanted

this scared the crap out of me as my rational brain trapped in some remote corner unable to act or bring me back to control

she said her heart pounded in her ears and how badly she wanted me to be within her, with her, moving in her and  she spread wide open and she let it happen

why she asked I don't. do. This.

she said it was impossible and it was gut-wrenching not to take the next step

and here she used an odd phrase saying she had to taste the town she lived in while I tasted her, her skin, her smell, her sound, her lips.

and here she made another odd referral claiming her career flashed before her eyes. perhaps fearing that having a relationship with a co-worker risk her plans to trickle up.

then she made reference to my marriage

 heaven forbid she should ever find out, she wrote

 looking back after 2 years this seems to have put her in the same dilemma she got in early last year when she was tempted to get involved with a married man and eventually did and like the later poem she finds justification if more than just an affair of the mind.

“if you deny a man his pleasure you deny a man his obligation to seek it out in other places,”she wrote, knowing even then it was her justification and had nothing to do with her needs

She again used the word Cub

again we come to the concept of her becoming whatever other people want and in some ways losing herself in the process

having now seen her go through this same conflict twice, I wonder if it is something she struggles with every time, this moral conflict she later came to abandon reading herself with a concept of fair and unfair even right or wrong and hence again of a conflict of conscience

the poem takes another odd reference “not in the hole but in the whole” which I interpret as meaning it is not just about sex but about the feelings between two people overall

“but you're already there,” she wrote. “ou've been there you will be it's inevitable and greater than us individually.”

which means we can't control it and things will go there despite any reservations we might have

but what do we do she asks
then she takes a step back from the cerebral and into the physical, unable to believe she has come so close and that this can happen ,because with each thrust, with each circle of my fingers, her mouth, feeling my skin pressed against hers , her face buried into, my neck and the possibility of her own climax and how this never happens and how she wanted it to happen again.

and then in conclusion she seems to allude to an earlier poem she wrote about me in which he posted on her blog and later removed when she said “don't try to save me” only in this poem she writes “please save yourself.”

two years later looking back, I think that she had already moved on from me and that this poem representative something that scared her as much as it scared me, being out of control and ultimately more than just working out something and that involves real feelings and real emotions that did not fit in her plans to trickle up.

what transpired between us she did not expect and not necessarily wanted and showed that she felt just a bit guilty about it all.

while this is supposition of course and possibly the results of having read so many of her other poems over the last 2 years

at the end of the day I think she wanted it but didn't want it; she wanted the good feeling but not the guilt


email to Al Sullivan

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Through the fire Oct. 15, 2024

 I suppose it is ironic that Thomas Manzo got sentenced to prison this week, the ex husband of the Real Housewives of New Jersey Star, and how the Manzo brothers fit into our little drama at the newspaper back during the summer of 2012, when we published weekly updates about the program.

At the time, I believed these posts – most often appearing in our brief’s section – received the most hits on our website, prompting me to wonder how these could be all so popular, and led me to suspect that the numbers were being spiked.

When I asked our boss, she told me that our poet was connected to the Manzo Brothers – and they were perhaps the high hope she had for making it in the entertainment industry (as relayed to me by the two office gossips in whom our poet often confided).

The ex-husband of a former star of the Bravo reality television show “The Real Housewives of New Jersey,” was sentenced this week to 84 months in prison for hiring, then assisting, a soldier in the Lucchese Crime Family to assault his ex-wife’s current husband

“Whether you’re actually in the Mafia or not, hiring the mob to assault someone because of your marital problems is abhorrent,” U.S. Attorney Sellinger said. “Covering up the role you played only makes it worse. The jury’s verdict, and today’s sentence, make clear that this office will spare no resources to hold accountable anyone who commits such crimes.”

In the spring of 2015, Manzo, a co-owner of The Brownstone, a Paterson catering hall, hired Lucchese Crime Family soldier John Perna to assault his ex-wife’s then-boyfriend, paying for the assault with a free wedding reception. Perna, a “made man” with his own crew, worked with them to carry out the assault on July 18, 2015. The Perna wedding, held in August 2015 at the Brownstone, was attended by approximately 330 people, many of whom also were members of the Lucchese Crime Family. Four years later, Manzo concealed and falsified documents related to the Perna wedding in response to a grand jury subpoena.

All this happened while our poet still lived in the area, although had finally moved onto a job in New York City.

Back in 2012, the Manzo brothers operated out of Hometown, or at least resided there, suggesting that they may have played a role in the 2013 hometown election since a number of the players seeking to outst the incumbent mayor had ties to the mob as well.

The scarry part – if what our boss said about our poet’s ties to the Manzo brothers is true – she really was dancing on the edge, associating with very dangerous characters, including local operatives such as the one who owned a club on the main drag of Hometown where cocaine and prostitution prevailed more or less openly.

All this, of course, is water under the bridge, and our poet luckily found more legitimate employment that eventually allowed her to establish herself in a very legitimate career.

I guess we all have to go through the fire in order to get to a better place, and it appears she has managed to put her demons behind her at last, leaving dangerous characters like Thomas in the dust.


email to Al Sullivan

Don’t stare aug. 2012

don't stare

not at all

in any direction

 she happens to be in

not even with my blind eye

 I grip my pen and

 keep it poised on a pad

in which I have written nothing

and do not intend to

aware she is across from me

at the table

looking at me and

 daring me to look back

and I don't dare

the whole office is one bit minefield

a wrong step and my life will explode

don't stare don't stare

even when she speaks

it won't be at me

I am an invisible Man

I no longer exist

 I occupy space the way

 a rock might

 unmoving, unmovable

not even organic

 don't stare

don't take the cheese

that get sets off the trap

just sit wait go back

to the to the hole in the wall

 where I am expected to reside

 this one day per week

but not here safe

 only as long as I do

what I'm told

don't stare

don't even blink

email to Al Sullivan

the fire within Aug. 21, 2012

the only safe place is home

 and maybe not even there

 in these days when even to

breathe is a risk

 we walk a tightrope from

 one elevated destination to another

r aware that any misstep brings us down

It is more than just the heat or of summer

 we must endure

 we much endure the more savage heat

that  boils inside us

 from the inside out

 no lotion makes us immune

no threat of extinction

can discourage us

the fire is just too scolding

to be dampened down

 by words of warning

and what we achieve must be done

 at the inside first

 stamping out the sparks

 that inspire the feelings

 that scorches us so yet what do we use to stamp out these fires when everything we have us as in exhaustible pile of pyrogenics

 we set off with every thought

 even at a distance

even when we have no contact

 with that external match

 that started it all

email to Al Sullivan

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

The limbo inbetween August 20th 2012


give me heaven or give me hell

 the limbo in between bequeaths me no relief

 from pain, the undecided landscape

 the shackles that bind me to nothing

and provide no relief

 just perpetual questions

 of this or that

give me hell and I might endure

 carry it on my shoulder

the way Atlas does the world

 or give me heaven so I might heal

 the self-inflicted injuries

 and find joy in thy company

I swim in a lake that has no shore

just fog that haunts my days

and undigested dreams by night

the ghosts of past, present and future

haunting me

if you give me hate I will endure

even when I ache for love


email to Al Sullivan

I will not compare thee to a summer's day August 19th 2012

  I will not compare thee to a summer's day

 the heat of which boils inside me

making me hate the sweating passion

 these long nights bring

the kiss of summer wind

rattling the leaves from spring in my bones

the longing in the dark

 the Press of moist flesh

 the wet kiss that lingers

and then consumes me in memory

I sleep fitfully and wake

To the same intense heat

 as when I fell to sleep

 this eternal summer vacant

 as I recall what came prior to this

 the buds of may spoiled

turned brown before their time

 as I ponder them and wonder

who is fairest when I know

it is the this summer

stretched out with metaphor

 to painful rack

 exposed, excluded, extinguished, exiled

to watch from afar

 I will not compare thee to a summer day

 but to the long nights

the cold nights

when we exchanged

whispers in the dark

when we still believed

anything was possible

email to Al Sullivan

Her name in sand August 18th 2012

 I come to the sea

to find something

I know not what

the heat of the sun

burning my shoulders

as I've bend to write

her name in the sand much

as did the poet Spencer

and as was he

the waves came

and washed her name away

and being as stubborn as he

 I wrote her name again

 hearing her voice in the waves

mocking me

calling me foolish

 to believe I can make her immortal

 with such and unsubstantial substance

 even when names writ in stone

fade over time

we all turn to dust and forgotten

 this mocking voice claims

 but I like Spencer stood defiant

 sea whipping my hair

 staring my heart as I proclaim

the way he did that said the stone

 will hold her name

 as well as my poems can

writing as he wrote

her name in the heavens

where neither sea nor death

can dislodge her

my poems keeping her above

 long after the world

has subdued it

email to Al Sullivan