Saturday, March 8, 2025
Points of stone July 17, 2014
These circles of life Nov 8, 2024
Almost a year ago maybe more she danced around the May Poll, not in May, but
for her mother's birthday, on the sand of a historic Beach town I nearly went
to when she was there, a dreadful coincidence, I think, since she if she had
seen me there, she would have jumped to the wrong collusion, assuming somehow,
I had done so deliberately, when fate or God or some other higher power
intervened and caused me to alter my plans to come later, when the whale
appeared near the same Beach she did. How do you interpret these things, can
they ever make any sense, when she once again altered her life and her living
condition for reasons I still know nothing about, seeking contentment elsewhere
with others than those she had resided with, these circles of life we cannot
avoid, a stone into the middle of a pond
Consumpion July 15, 2014
Friday, March 7, 2025
Carrying on Jan 14, 2025
I sit at the crossroads of where I once was and am once again, the ruins of an old
farm, from a time when I last came here, not far from where she sprouted wings,
a caterpillar reborn as moth, her pretty wings taking her places my feet won't
let me go, the did stalks of last fall’s corn, strewn along each side, full of
memories, full of decay, the last gasp before winter turns to spring again,
before summer, the decoration then with green, the old dairy farms turned into
gas stations and Cannabis stores, celebrating the demise of our way of life, I
search for the fruit and vegetable stands that have long gone the way of the
dodo, no way to go back to redo what was undone, only carry on
First loaf July 13, 2014
Before winter’s embrace Jan 9, 2025
Sunlight filters through the closed windows of my overheated car as winter wages
its war, the glow rippling from the rooftops, the grip of freeze on my fingers
as I try to hold on to the memory of warmth, now so seemingly distant, too many
years to remember when I last touched the sacred places, and last felt the
cling of her lips against mine, this season the most dismal, the least sense of
hope, enduring what needs to be endured, clinging to what warmed us back when
we thought we would never feel warmth again, she being a different person now
than she was back then, she seeming to accept something she sees as inhibitable,
basking and sunlight while I still envision what she looked like, felt like,
tasted like before Winters embrace
Love never stops July 13, 2014
still shone bright,
Thursday, March 6, 2025
Home is no longer home Jan 10, 2025
I walk past the old bank that served as our office until it became a bicycle
shop, a rare moment in that part of town, where I fought tooth and nail to
return to, though all the parking lots are gone, replaced by buildings nobody
can afford to live in, the view from the second floor window where she sat gone,
as well the New York skyline, blocked by brick as if it is ceased to exist,
leaving only the memory of what we could see when we still could see it, and
this intense sense of loss for something we can never get back, a changing
world we cannot change back, regardless of how many times we click our heels or
how often we chant there is no place like home, especially now that home is no
longer home
It tastes fine July 12, 2014
no quake can shake from me
hotel with gold trim Jan 11, 2025
My old journal says she went there more than once, the
summer before Sandy tore up the pier that stretched out into the sea, then
later, months after the storm, the majestic green hotel with gold trim I ache
over with each visit, as I pick the scab of an old wound, I just won't let heal,
my brain manufacturing a rogues gallery of men who might have shared that place
with her, maybe one man again and again, unable to say no: a glass of wine over
a fine dine and then a good time between the sheets, the whole time, I wish
that man -- the one so full of charm and grace-- might have been me, jealousy
rearing it's ugly head even all these years later, when it all has become moot,
and yet -- drenched in that salty air-- I can't help myself, tempted even now
to go up the steps and see if she might be there
Life’s choices July 12, 2014
Wednesday, March 5, 2025
For our own good Jan 7, 2025
My life is filled with cats and kittens, the last two from the last batch of
kitten making machine we have in our yard, two due to get neutered put on hold
when the boldness of the two popped her head into the refrigerator just as I
tried to shut the door, drained for a day of her usual energy, forced to go to
the vet to make sure she's not permanently damaged, restored by docs who
assured me of no serious harm, as she mothers on me as if I am her real mother,
the only one she trusts, who may will feel betrayed when I take her to a more
distant vet to get fixed, after she endured this short trip already, and I feel
bad, having betrayed her for her own good when I am already guilty of having
betrayed other people I loved for my own good
Glowing July 11, 2014
Old woman in the rain Nov 11, 2024
An old woman pushes a basket full of laundry along the street, the rain pelting
at her hood, the wheel marks showing briefly where she's been, gone within
moments like footprints in sand, she huffs and puffs, steam rising out of her
with each struggled breath, needing to get clean before she gets dirty again,
to reach that place still many blocks away, getting wet in the already if not
heavy rains, a sock or end of towel poking out the top of the plastic bags
homeless people most often use -- as if she is not too far from that fate, as
if scared if she does not get these things clean, she won't be clean herself,
pushing ahead through the rain, her wrinkled fingers gripping the handles of
the basket, all four wheels slipping and sliding and making her feet slide, too.
looking up, cringing at how far she still has to go, knowing it will always be
too far
This heat inside July 10, 2014
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
A walk on a winter’s day Jan 6, 2025
The snow comes just when they said it would, decorating the new year with
moisture that doesn't quite bury us, the chill air through which I swim,
recalling those less painful days when these incidents did not foreworn us of
climate disaster, my footsteps leaving a trail behind me across sidewalks of a
city I visit, yet no longer live, covered in white as I walk, feeling again as
I did as a kid, bundled up, almost immune, when I make my way to this place or
that, life never being what we predicted, just what occurs, and I still feel
the past clinging to me, even when the trail I leave fills in, the who we are
matters less than what might have been, winter finally greeting us with the
foreshadow of a spring to come if not tomorrow then some day soon
Over and around Tuesday, July 01, 2014
AC Nov 6, 2024
I'm not going to AC even though my boss wants me to, this set for after an
election everybody I know hates the outcome of, the old Trump plaza knocked
down and the Taj turned into a rock venue, too pricey for working people to
afford, the boardwalk spiffed up, too, so that which used to be attractive, no
longer is. my previous visit the final nail in the coffin for me, when they put
up Big Brother casino TV screens every few feet, selling us on the need for us
to give away what little we have left, after the hotel bilked us, and the early
morning search for coffee had me running into a stretch limbo filled with near
naked women, rushing passed me into a 7-Eleven while I strolled for The Great
divide between the rich and poor, and though I have no reason to think this,
the whole thing makes me think of her, the casino filled with cigarette smoke
and whiskey, and the near naked ladies running back to the limo full of waiting
men, none of whom are me.
Walking on the moon Sunday, June 22, 2014
of the moon or the light
Monday, March 3, 2025
No new New Year's resolution Jan 3, 2025
I have no new New Year's resolution, only the same one I have recycled year
after year, waking each day after the ball has dropped with the same
expectation, like a wish wished again and again, even when the wish has never
been granted, never acknowledged.
I am always on the
brink of thinking it might come true; it never does, not a hamster brain as she
once called it, just the vague fog that rises with the end of the year and the
start of the next, thinking over and over, if I wish harder this time, it might
come true, and after all these years (more than the baker's dozen) I wait to
the same place, the same Faith as I have all those other years past, and
despite this the letdown, I know I will resolve to wish for it again the next
time and the time after that