I checked too late to make a reservation for the for a day when most people stay home to have turkey, looking at the gay motel in one town and a bed and breakfast with gold trim in the other. finding no vacancy in either, thought too scared to actually do the bed and breakfast anyway since I would feel haunted if I did, even a dozen years after the fact, when she posted pictures of her stay there, her mark indelibly placed there forever even if nobody sees it but me
even walking by it,
looking into its dark Windows as if her eyes, catching a glimpse of the soul I
still barely understand, like walking on clamshells
does she feels it
when I pass so close to places where she's been or is it really my imagination,
wish fulfillment, those dreams I still dream when I know I shouldn't, dare I step over the threshold scared I will turn
into something odd if I do
Back to the Majestic again July 3, 2014