Monday, September 30, 2024

This bag of stones aug 2012


an old poet once said

jealousy has a scent

 as distinctive as mildew

or the smell you get

 off the back of a wet dog's fur

 it bites like a vampire might

 not a nip but deep penetrating

 out for blood

you walk around with it

 as it with a bag of stones

 on your back

the rattle of it giving you away

 to anyone who stops long enough to listen

and she has heard the rattle before

 and not just from me

maybe from all of us

who have come to love her

and mistake love for bondage

the need to possess

and so for those with these bags of stones

 each day is a misery

 when we can't have it

 because she might gift us

with her affection

 from time to time

but won't take out a mortgage

 or give us right to tell

how she ought to live her life

or who she should be with

when how or for how long

this bag of stones

 getting heavier

the more I carry it

 the more I need to cast it away

email to Al Sullivan

Like it or not sept 27, 2024


the rain came with the promise to come again

 gray sky suiting me better than the bright one

my mood not completely blue

just haunted after having stirred up

 the coals of the past

the smoldering I realize will always be there

 rain or shine

a permanence I cannot accept yet have to live with

 because there is no way to exorcise it

 without losing part of myself

like cutting out a piece of my heart

 I need this to remain in order for my heart to beat

even when each beat brings twinges of regret

 the rain doesn't wash everything away

only the surface dust

the bits we pick up on our trek

 missing the deeper pieces

 that have become part of us

like it or not

email to Al Sullivan

Day and night 2015


love leaves a trail

the way ants do

 drawing us to it

an irresistible urge

to which we must comply

as if chained to it's outcome

more than just desire or lust

though that applies, too

this need for the cheese

at the end of the maze

 drawing us ever onward

and why when we lose our way

spoil the trail

 we are  so lost

 lusting after it more

than just to touch of flesh

 or taste or scent

 more than mere attraction

 we cannot live without it

 without the pursuit of it

 it is what we live for

 not just for the kiss remembered

 or the feel of breast we steal

 or plunge into the soft embrace

 it is the other that keeps me aching

 day and night

email to Al Sullivan

A tug of war march 21, 2024


I can't eat pizza again

 and not think of her

 not because

of the pizza man this time

 just those hungry eyes

that stare hand to mouth

 when she just wants

to eat her slice in peace

one piece eludes her

 feeding the fear

she perpetually feels

inside their hunger

is her hunger

 even when she

doesn't want it to be

dread of taking a bite

from the apple

or sucking juice from

 the dangling fruit

 she lives with a mirror

 inside her head

seeing reflections

 of what she wants to be

 of what she isn't

 one inspiring her the other

dragging her down

 this is not what others mean

to say living hand to mouth

it is what she lives with

every day

 caught between reflections

 of what she is

 what she thinks she is

 what she thinks other people

think she is

always a tug of war

each time she puts

 it all into her mouth

email to Al Sullivan

Sunday, September 29, 2024

born again again march 26, 2014


her old world is coming to pieces, but she is in the midst of her own struggle and so will likely not be there to get hit with the debris

I'm told that RR will be fired on Monday, proof of a purge of corrupt people who clustered around the Virgin mayor

her plot from fall 2012 to destroy the congressman finally coming to roost as one by one the old conspirators are unmasked and removed

it may be that our poet was one of the first and still is naive of the criminal enterprises that went on around her

something similar is going on inside our office as lawsuit against GA the blogger begins to uncover real dirt within our office, the owner, Tim and others

it is difficult to know just how big a role our poet played in all of that corruption but it is clear that she was shattered when she got tossed out of her current position, enough for her to have a near complete breakdown from which she is just recovering

how she avoids old pitfalls -- if she means to and I am convinced that she really intends to try to reform -- will be the great challenge of her life

some of what she wrote earlier I agree with, in that she is only partly responsible for what she has become. some founding events sent her into the cycle of behavior she could not later easily break Free of

This appears to be her best shot and perhaps her removal from that group of thugs was a blessing in disguise

in an essay posted on the morning of March 27th she outlined her plans for next few days

she will be leaving the nest, flying back North and with the intent to sleep in her own bed that night for the first time in nearly a month and a half

she described those things she would miss about the nest. this corresponding to the posting of a group shot with many of the women she criticized in an early essay

perhaps an odd sense of loneliness

she reflected on how odd it will be not hearing the breathing in the bed next to hers or the rattle of breakfast bowls and plates for non-self proportioners in the morning

it'll be odd not coming to the living room in the morning to sit and write in the chair and drinking coffee and other references to the other inmates in what is not a Murphy's world.

She said on Friday she would go gather her cats and eat whatever her mother cooks and not be hungry or eat popcorn instead

she paints an interesting portrait of what life was like prior to her trip to the clinic and the strange relationships she must have had with family members

It is hard to tell just how much of a true believer she has become  (not just a madman's cancer curing diet)but to all those careers she took up since her days in school believing at least to some degree in the roles she played

and yet there's a sense that she also believes she's undeserving

reading her essays derived out of the clinic experience you can trust that on some level she actually believes in what she writes, though the sad part is that she repeats in this what she has said and done in every other career, becoming a true believer, a born again convert to a new religion she will follow only t as so long as it keeps Faith with her need to save herself and that she will set it aside when she grows strong enough for ambitions to reemerge

yet I believe this is an honest attempt at redemption and a completely new beginning more in line with some of those earlier attempts after her teaching career and later when she abandoned upstate New York to make her way to the big city

Saturday she said she'll clean her home do some yoga and finally take a long walk along the edge of the Palisades with the view of the city she loves finally not absconded by tears streaming down her face from the bitter blowing cold then she'll probably see friends for yet another drama free meal

she has set aside Sunday for phone calls, lounging, Gilmore girls reruns, writing and take out food if her paperwork got in on time she will start at the eating disorder treatment center in New York on Monday

she said she is nervous, noted that her last full day in the South was extremely trying, which she needed to help to get through, yet managed to also to stay through the closing circle when focused a lot of tension on her

she said she was grateful for the gift of the journey although she also said it was no spa but it picked her up and set her straight and she is fully aware that not everyone is fortunate enough to have this rare opportunity

the center in New York is a day treatment and intense outpatient program on the upper side of Manhattan which serves as a transition after inpatient treatment like the one she just went through and deals with eating disorders and other obsessive behaviors

I do believe this may really be a new beginning for her and maybe have saved her life

email to Al Sullivan

Dusty roads sept 11, 2024


this is not what it was

nor will ever be again

 the dust of the past

clings to our heels

yet does not bring us

back in time

the long road we walk

 from youth to old age

is a one-way journey

 from which we must learn

 how to keep moving forward

 not linger too long

not to get lost


 into some dead end

from which we need

to constantly backtrack

what remains constant

 then now and always

is what we feel

 the stuff we

sometimes mistake as baggage

 when in fact

 it is the stuff life is made of

 we either carry it with us

 or lose entirely

love being the most precious

commodity we Carry

if we leave it on the roadside

there is no point to go on

email to Al Sullivan

the slightest flame (2015)


the Russian poet said it best

 the embers of old love

should not cause distress

 not let love became sad  again

 even when we all know

 we cannot still be friends

he like me plagued with jealousy

 that put the stake in the heart

of what might have been Bliss

 but is now lost and left both

 to pay the cost

one cannot renew

 the embers of a fire gone

but this does not stop me

from feeling fond

for what might have been once

and yet never was

the tenderness felt now

after all this time

is not the same flame

it was when first stirred

but not ignited

yet little stirs

the slightest flame

email to Al Sullivan

Taking it all back home march 25, 2014


After 6 weeks at the clinic, our poet has suddenly become nostalgia -- now that she is ready to leave a move which is set for Thursday, when she will fly back to this area for what becomes the next step in her recovery

looking back, she points out that she had come to the clinic and really bad shape back in mid-February and she is still unclear how she managed to get onto the airplane for the flight there when she could barely lift a suitcase

she found herself in some group room to the right of the front door and various doctors and administration people coming to her for few hours well she signed the things and tried to focus

as she was writing her essay, she was scheduled to get breakfast and then cross over to get the ride to the airport

despite the warm climate where she has been 6 weeks, she had a cold coming on and is hoping to fight it off before returning to the gray world in which she has spent the last couple of years

she said she was deeply sad and a bit alarmed at returning to the monotony of jer ordinary life and for some reason sees the center as invoking spirituality

even then, she said she is ready for the next step fighting the disorder at a treatment center in New York City two blocks for where she wants lived with her brother and her ex-husband in Manhattan, most likely back in 2002 or 2003 after she quit school in New England and after her brief stay in hometown as a barmaid and just before she took off with the band for 5 years she had assumed would lead to success

it is unclear what she is going to do as an outpatient or some variation of the group home

 I suppose it will be the former and that she will commute from her home daily

it appears in all this agonizing over the next step she also paid a visit to my poetry site this morning, directly from the center rather them from the proxies I believe she's used in the past.  I'm not sure why perhaps seeking some clue as to whether or not I am aware of her situation

I have kept down my internet footprint for several reasons, partly to avoid contributing to her issues at this point there is a real struggle going on in her life

 it is best that I take no part in it. she needs to recover and without fear of me

secondly, if she needs a scapegoat she will need to find someone else to blame

 regardless of our motivations or how much truth there is in what she writes. she clearly is in the midst of a crisis in her life, a crisis from which she either changes or she won't survive the next crash if and whenever it comes

email to Al Sullivan

Saturday, September 28, 2024

When the last x is crossed march 23, 2014

does she keep a calendar

 in her room above her bed

where she marks each day

 of her 6-week sentence

 with a big red x

trying to ignore the parade of inmates

who envy those few precious crumbs

she has and they want

the hard day in and day out conflict

 of people always hungry

for more than they have

all imprisoned together

 each setting off a time bomb

in each other's heads

an imitation of a world

they will have to return to

 at some point where they

 will all have to deal with

more than hunger for crumbs

 does she count out each day

 hoping that in the end

it does not lead to

an imaginary hangman's noose

 but to some measure of control

 she and others could not find

 when struggling alone

in a world so stacked with temptation

how does she cope

or hope to

 when she gets better

is she really prepared for what comes

after the last x is crossed


email to Al Sullivan

don't stare Aug. 2012

rule number one

don't stare at her at the office

 don't even pretend you are not staring

don't stare in some other direction

to make her think you are staring in stealth

just stay down behind your computer

 in your tiny Harry Potter cubicle

under the stairs

and pretend to work

when you are doing your best not to stare

 not to exist

 not to breathe too deeply

and make any sound

 don't stare at the meeting either

 especially because you still sit

with back to the windows

when she sits across the table

 illuminated, beautiful, powerful,

arrogant, victorious and deadly

 if you hold your breath long enough

you might be reprieved by fainting

 though she might think

this is a faint to get attention

so you grip your pen

 poised to take notes

on your yellow pad

and wait out the tick of the clock

 like a countdown to that point

 when it is safe again to breathe


email to Al Sullivan

plunging deep aug 3, 2012


 the only way to get to know you

is from the inside out

to plunge my head in first

and hope I can still breathe

 when I arrive

to plunge deep and frequently

to come up for air only long enough

 to dive again

 this desperate in and out

and in again

a deep sea driver

 searching depths of your ocean

to find the sunken gold

I know if there is

even if you do your best

to keep it hidden

 somewhere in the deepest recesses

the oyster shells with precious pearls

I must keep diving into you to find

 the only way to find out who you really are

 is to keep plunging

probing all those perilous places

 drawing out of you clues

between the moans

 until at last breathless I find it

spilling out like oil

email to Al Sullivan

vacuum aug 2012


she is not here

as much as she is gone

with no way to predict

if she will be here

 when I arrive seeing

her vacancy as a painful

 as seeing her horrified stare

she is not here even when she is

 not  a hateful stare

 I was wrong

 the blank stare

k that avoids  me

and voids my existence

 and I am here

and I am a ghost in the machine

 that just about functions

rbut which one of us is the cog

 that creates the chaos

the Piece of the mechanism

 that does not function right

does not work with others well

 who needs to leave before

 the whole thing gets fucked up

I am here less often

than I ache to be

in exile elsewhere

 save for this single day

 when I come and go

 and am barely here when I am

 she lurking as if she believes

 the world is her world

when it used to be mine

and I miss being here

 even when I am and she is not



email to Al Sullivan

Friday, September 27, 2024

Painting the scene aug 1, 2012


the heat has come

 in my brain I paint

lurid pictures of sweating bodies


 moist from head to toe

as he (whoever he might be)

 looms over her

 the redden tip of his stick

easing into her moist red receptacle

 plugging in to make the engine run

his hands spread across her chest

 as he presses in

starting it all up again

drawing deep then out of her

 she feels all of him inside

 she clenched around it

as he pumps her

drawing not a drop of water

but intense acute pain

that spills over into pleasure

I see them naked together

 each sharing each other's sweat

each drinking the sweetness

of that moment

 lip to lip

 chest to chest

thigh to thigh

driving into her

 hoping to create fire

as both need this passion

to explode inside and outside

I need it too

I only feel the pain.

email to Al Sullivan

The heat inside aug 2012


the moist air is so hot

 it feels like a steam bath

 though it is still

the heat inside me

that stirs me to boil

 the touch of flesh

 I cannot reach to touch

the memory of a kiss

I no longer feel

this idea of what love is

 lingering in the balmy air

I fill my lungs with it

and come near to drowning

you can almost swim in it

even when you are

 way deep in quicksand

 all this poignant vapor

 all this pontification

about heartbreak

all this back and forth

about a romance t

hat never was

just a working out of details

feeling our way through

 the Quagmire of Life

 in search of grains of gold

we might find in the sand

that slowly sinks us

 gold nuggets or love

that only make us sink faster

when we cannot swim

I breathe in the moist air

steaming myself as from the inside

 doing it all to myself

when I ought to sit still

 and wait out the inevitable

each move I Make only

quickens it

and makes the heat inside

that much more intolerable

email to Al Sullivan

Abandoned dog aug 2012


I know how an abandoned dog feels

cast out after nipping his master

too many times

 love tolerates only so much

 before it wears out

and ceases to mean anything

 if it meant anything at all

when it started

dog days of summer

 taking on a whole new meaning

the drudgery of daily routine

 the heat that keeps sleep away

 along with worry

 this fear that doom might descend

 at any moment

like an unexpected thunderstorm

against which there is no shelter

all going on as if normal

 when it is all but that

 and she offering compassion

as a belated birthday gift

hers recently mine now so long ago

 compassion that feels like pity

which in itself is a gift of God'

something being better than nothing

 in a world where all that once was

or might have been evaporates

under too much hot sun

breathing impossible to take in

too deeply the loss

to severe .

to accept too easily

dog Days

email to Al Sullivan

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Surrender or not? Sept 9, 2024


has she surrendered it

 giving in

thrown in the towel

 thinking it has gone on without her

 and so closed off her heart

 or is this merely a temporary reprieve

to breathe to regroup again

for yet another leap into those arms

I wonder into whose bed

or has she fled that

to which in the past

 brought her and others Joy

 has she give up the ghost

thinking to obtain it

 too much effort for

too little reward she gets back in return

does she hide in the shadows now

 to keep it from finding her

 rooting her out

 gripping her heart again

 and again reminding her of

 how much pain it brings

 along with joy

 has she given up on it

email to Al Sullivan

recall 2015


like Pushkin I can recall

 that first moment when

 I saw her face

Though I did not know what I felt exactly

I recall it was intense

we all caught up in the throes of a grief

we do not know

 our lives lived in vain

even if we knew not then

it was

 how deep her eyes

how wide

how thorough she would have me skewed

casting open and revealing

even something I did not know

 what was there

now as time passes

her voice unheard for years

I grasp the sounds

 I tried recall and can't

like a deaf man watching

her lips move but no words

and yet even then

 I still ache

And still wish to kiss

email to Al Sullivan

One stick will do 2015


cold hands warm heart

or so the old adage goes

as I work off the chill

 like a boy scout

 rubbing as hard

 and long as I can

 until my fingers burn

the deeper they go

 the hotter they get

so I boil inside and out

my life timed to

the rapid beat of my heart

 and the rise of temperature

as I fill in all those soft places

 until I come to that spot that is hard

and scalding

proving that it doesn't take two sticks

to make a fire

just one stick in right place

and rubbed raw

 rubbing until my fingers thaw

 deep inside where softness swells

 and I rub that spot until it gets rigid

 and we both ignite warm

hot scolding fingers

 and of course you


email to Al Sullivan

maybe I can fly out aug 4, 2012


I really think she meant well for me

 when she told me not to squirm

a man can't swim in quicksand

no matter how strong he is

she preaching not to the choir

but from it

an elevated a songbird

 who has been here before

looking down at those of us

trapped in the pews below

 it takes more than Faith

to survive all this

 and still more to come to understand

how we got this deep into the thick of it

our knees bruised from prayer instead of pleasure

I really think she meant well

 when telling me not to fight it

not to struggle against something

too far beyond me to win against

you can't swim in quicksand

you just sink faster

 words of wisdom perhaps

 from a songbird who has seen others like me

though she doesn't understand

 I'm neck deep already

and helpless to do anything

but flail my arms and hope

 if I can't swim then maybe

I might fly out of the muck I'm stuck in


email to Al Sullivan

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

careful what you eat march 24, 2014


having settled the issue of panic family members concerned with her apparent frustration with food,our poet went back to her other big complaint about the place the other people

There is an old adage about how hospitals are dangerous because you can catch nearly every disease there while being treated for something else.

The same might be said for the clinic our poet is in. The patients have the ability to set off her triggers and increase the depths of her disorder.

in an essay posted on March 23rd came with a disclaimer -- like a yellow warning sign--  but instead of watch out for falling rock or slick when wet road

her disclaimer said potential triggers and like a made for TV movie in which we are warned against assuming any of the characters depicted represent anyone real in life we are told the experiences described here or non attributable to any specific patient and are meant as examples of personal experiences they are not meant in any way to be judgmental or derogatory or but observational and used in defense to her own reaction to them which is separate from said patients and experiences

most of the previous above are practically direct quote, trying to remain politically correct in case someone in authority reads her blog. She’s already been burned with others over their perceptions of her perceptions.

All of this is a kind of double speak since she already knows that this will raise a few eyebrows

in this she says she loves these girls but notes that her ability to tolerate behaviors are limited because they tend to trigger hers.

as in our last essay she appears to cover ground that she touched on earlier essays and why she received an incomplete after refusing to eat the sugar laden meals she was offered

again she appears to be making a case for her behavior and hence at some possible conflict over this not with family member as was the case in the last essay but with her overseers

on pizza night she noted three sets of eyes leap from her plate to theirs and others and back seeing if her portion has less cheese on her exact same Pizza as theirs when they are still on weight restriction meals plans and she's not

this used to be the scariest meal for her and she is hungry and hopes for a calm dinner.

 she sees herself as an adult with a child's body and hates that she has become an example of what weight restoration looks like

one girl rips her Pizza part and is so covered with crumbs and grease she looks like a pizza chef 24 hours into a shift

 another woman chred 32 to 34 times each bite, pauding to speak between each to allow the food to digest, asking constantly about the time left as it takes her 45 minutes to eat a slice that should have been devoured in less than 15 minutes

another woman starts off every meal by insulting her food and how wrong the process is and how much fatter she feels and how she is forcing herself to handle this meal

the emphasis is on Force as she glares at our poet who is finally built up the courage to order dessert with her meal which is outside her meal plan but her meal plan is not real life but super conservative

she finds it uncomfortable to have people looking at her as she eats her cake ,watching her take every bite, wishing they could have it, hating her for having it, judging her for having it and themselves for wanting it -- then going back to their Pizza consumed with slow mouse bites and self-promises to never do it again once they leave

she said she spent 20 years with the thoughts like these  and behaviors  such as not resisting three slices

 she said some of those people saw the clinic as a kind of social club, and that the clinics seem to have their own pecking order, full of judgmental people, something she clearly did not envision when looking at these places from a far.

She said she’s had to endure talk about her weight and she's heard similar talk about other people as well

she is perfectly aware of their struggles that disorder can take over their brains and they become unaware of what is being done around them. but she said there has to be ways to manage these without roping other people in, in order to feel less alone or impinging on the progress of others who want to recover.

she said when she feels negative she doesn't deny the thought because that would be


 she just removes herself from the community and processes these thought with the therapist or others in the clinic in order to avoid the negative impact

she sees a lot of her own eating disorder voiced in these other people and it makes her sad although she is aware that in real world there are a lot of triggers that she has to manage and needs to practice self-care in an entire community of triggers seeing this transition by the fold as a relief

and she says she looks forward to that first meal where she cannot think about any of it where she just gets to eat

email to Al Sullivan