Sunday, June 30, 2024

Out of the blue March 27, 2012


She calls me

To tell me

How much she

Is into me


Out of the blue,

Like an over extended

Rubber band

Suddenly let loose,

This girl from the office

Whispering on the phone,

A mystery lady

Who sits across the table

From me at our

Once a week


Yet light year away.

How old is she?

Does she know

How old I am?

To even be considered

Worthy turns me back

Into a giddy teen,

Stunned by her deep stare

I can even imagine

Through the precarious

Connection of our cell phone,

A slice of attraction

I did not know I felt

Until her call,

Her oddly slanted features

Especially her mouth,


As she speaks the words,

“I’m really into you,”

I’m confused,

The way I once was

When I put my books

In front of my crotch

Coming out of science class

Back in Jr. High,

To hide how attracted

I was to my science teacher.


What the hell is this?

Why can’t I think straight?


email to Al Sullivan

Busted maybe March 25, 2023



She asks me

Where my hat is

When I show up

Without it,

While I might

Ask as much

Of her,

Since one picture

She sent me

Had her looking

Like a detective,

Her steady gaze

Staring out at me

Making me wonder

Where she keeps

Her gun and handcuffs

And does she bust

People in her

Spare time,

And is this what

She has planned for me,

Meeting like this

At a very public diner,

And I struggle

To remember

What crime I committed –

Hoping she isn’t privy

To all those things

I’ve done in my head,

Late at night

With the phone

Under my pillow,

Maybe she needs me

To wear my hat

So I fit the mug shot

She keeps in her head

At night.


email to Al Sullivan

"Are you talking to me? Sept. 4, 2013


Each time she posts

 a poem like this,

I think of that scene

from Taxi Driver,

looking at myself

in the mirror and

asking: “Are you talking to me?”,

never truly knowing if I am

the target of what she writes,

or if I am merely imagining things,

having been so long in this dessert,

parched for any sign of anything

that might quench my thirst,

 reading things into the tea leaves

I want to read,

 rather than what is really there,

 life being too complicated

to define in any medium

 short of an epic poem,

 the rise and fall of empires,

 the slow decline of what could have been

yet never was.

“Are you talking to me?” I ask,

I get only the howl

of the dessert wind

 in response.

email to Al Sullivan

My personal watergate Sept. 5, 2013


What did I know

and when did I know it,

 he demands to know,

a prosecutor rather

than a boss,

a one-man senate subcommittee

 eyeing me as if I am Richard Nixon

and I have 16 minutes of missing

audio tape to explain,

why I talked to our enemy

and what exactly did I say,

a grim man with grim expression

 that I can see her in his eyes,

like a sea horse floating in his iris,

 as he glares at me,

 not love, not him,

not like all those other men

 (even me maybe)

who paraded through her life,

 if not with love on their sleeves

(as the old saying goes)

 then held out in the palms

of their hands,

an eternal gift

which she is bound to crush,

not evil, not even meaning to,

 a side effect of the nuclear reaction

she causes inside each of us

as she moves on.


email to Al Sullivan

Fire in her eyes (2014)


I light the tapered candles

The flames flicker in her eyes

As if the fire came out of her,

The warmth of it stinging

My fingers as I touch her hair

Or cup her chin with the

Palm of my hand,

As I bend to give her a kiss,

All this a fleeting fantasy

In my mind,

As the flames at the tips

Of the candles flicker,

Showing me what I want

To see, what it might be

Like, alone, together,

In the moment,

Across a table laden

With treats

While I believe

She is dessert

I don’t deserve,

And yet

Still hunger for.


email to Al Sullivan

Licking your wounds December 2013



You are,

Though as you’ve

Said before,

If you think

You’re either completely

Bonkers, or ten people,

And I think you are

A person for each

She  shell you occupy,

Even if at this moment

You are trapped in

The one you’re in,

The one you ache

To escape from,

Carrying with you

That idea that

You might slip away

Unnoticed to some

Remote destination,

Like a wounded ally cat,

To lick the blood from

All the places you’ve

Been bitten,

But you can’t leave

Yet, and so, must lick

Where you are a

And hope it is enough

To cure you enough

To get by long enough

So, you can survive.

You are,

What you are,

And it’s the best

Any of us can hope for,

To be what we can be

At this moment,

Maybe better

The next time round,

If only you can fix yourself

And find another shell

To crawl into

Where you can feel

Safe again.

email to Al Sullivan

Tipping point Jan. 7, 2014


When the water pours Into the bilge faster than you can Bail it out, You know your ship will sink, and you will have to decide whether to sink or swim.

For almost two years, I have bailed water, even when at times it reached my lower lip, just managing to bail enough to keep from drowning, our owner waiting

For that tipping point when he believes I pose more trouble keeping me than to let me go.

All he needs from me is an excuse, which I have tried my best not to provide him with.

At times, I’ve suspected the reason for his wrath was her, maybe even believing he might bring her back once I am gone, restoring her to her proper place, and rid her of her fear of my being there.

Only she’s never coming  back, no matter how much he or other offer her or might think otherwise.

Still, I need to keep bailing to keep from flipping over and finding myself once more lost at sea.

email to Al Sullivan

Tumbling dice June 28, 2024


Someone will

always love her,

If not me or him,

then someone else,

Life is like that

Not fair or unfair,

Not even right or wrong,

It is what it is,

Just as she is,

An essence that

Draws people to her,

A pheromone trail

She leaves behind

Wherever she strides,

Stronger in some places,

Yet always there,



But not always

A two way street,

Felt my one,

But maybe not the other,

In this fall of dice

We don’t always come

Up with seven on our

First toss, or get

What we need when we need

Something else,


We roll the dice and come up

With what we want,

Only she may not see it the way we need,

Love is like that,

The right roll at

The wrong time


email to Al Sullivan

The more things change June 28, 2024


Another one bites the dust.

Carmelo, one of the bad guys from the Hometown election more than a decade ago, was convicted of taking bribes, but in his more recent gig in the Brick City.

This makes one more from that old crew that has come to justice – the New Jersey Housewife guy, Poopy the developer, Carmelo and, of course, the U.S. Senator – all of whom had association with our poet friend back in the day.

Oddly, little has fundamentally changed since she was on the scene. The Virgin Mayor has been replaced by the Congressman she attempted to bring down, with the Small Man still operating as chief henchman. The Neighboring Mayor, a notorious womanizer, is attempting once again to take over the county, using a former governor to run for mayor of the county seat. The old county machine is still trying to stop him, including the current mayor of the county seat, who is running for governor.

This mayor once was aligned with the neighboring mayor but they’ve had a falling out, which means if the county seat mayor gets elected governor, state aid to the neighboring mayor will dry up. So, there is deep hostility behind the scenes and promises of vengeance.

The Neighboring Mayor’s statements at the indictment of the U.S. Senator, made him a still powerful political enemy. The U.S. Senator has promised to publish the pictures of all of the women the neighboring mayor has slept with over the years.

Some of the people who fed our poet dirt during her time at our office – including the private investigator who was once the neighboring mayor’s best friend – are back on the scene, trying to undermine his attempt to control the county.

The few indictments orchestrated by the Neighboring Mayor (with the help of a somewhat corrupt state attorney general) to go after the county seat mayor have failed. But blood letting has only started.

More people will go down before all this is over.

I saw the virgin mayor earlier this week when he was talking to one of the patients at his pain clinic, a block away from my house. He had plotted to run again, but was persuaded not to, which is just as well.

The world has moved on without him.

Joey D, who was the real brains behind the Virgin Mayor, jumped ship back in 2014 when he became campaign manager for a mayoral candidate in the town I cover, where he managed to bring in massive development and changed the nature of the down before being forced out in a plot to unseat the mayor he helped get elected in 2014.

Nothing changes. And I suppose our poet ,who moved on from all of these when she moved out of the county back in 2016 or 2017, is far better off where she is, since in this game, only the most vicious sharks thrive, and only the most cunning survive, and since she was never as vicious as the people who she associated with and never so cunning as those to whom she was briefly attached, she would not have survived.

Carmelo’s doom is significant because of his ties to our office a decade ago, and how much trouble I got into when I discovered that the Hometown mayor had plotted against him, and the owners of our paper told me to write the story. They panicked when the then-Hometown mayor and her cohorts threatened to sue us.

I beg a favor from a powerful criminal lawyer, who offered to defend us pro-bono.

But we were doing Carmelo’s dirty work, making me wonder if Carmelo had done more for our male owner than just give us political ads.

Poopy was the other problem. I knew he was up to no good, but his close association with our male owner, attempted to shut me down. Later, after his conviction for voter fraud, the Small Man informed me that I was the only person who had it right as far as Poopy.

Where RR is all these years later, I only learned recently. Apparently, he brokered his experience into becoming a public safety director in some south Jersey town, a risky proposition since he is notoriously untrustworthy, but no longer a problem in my neck of the woods.

We’re still in the middle of this moveable political feast, although I play far less a role in any of it now that I have given up my column.

I’m still working, but trying to keep under cover – as usual.



email to Al Sullivan




Saturday, June 29, 2024

Cupid’s arrow Sept. 6, 2013

Cupid’s arrow is still

 wedged between his ribs,

 the girl of his dreams

 he met long after marriage

 says he ought not to dream of her,

she still looking to him the way

 she said she did when still here

 among us mortals,

a Venus, and a Venus fly trap,

 a real catch if and when

(and if possible)

 you can catch her,

 yet kind-hearted enough

 to publicly acknowledge him

as her hero,

perhaps this is all he ever needed,

someone to need him,

a cub once now

a master of media manipulation,

 a queen paying a brief tribute

to one of those who continues to adore her,

 not by far the man she loves,

 yet someone she can count on

today, tomorrow, forever,

even as he sits in his cubical,

 imprisoned by his own life

and continues to dream

 of what life might

 have given him

had he met her sooner.

email to Al Sullivan

Words of Love Sept. 15, 2013

What will she do

to get it back

 now that it seems

like it’s already gone,

words of love,

 as the pop song goes,

 soft and tender,

 won’t make it any more

(win a heart back),

 traction in the race

for the heart lost, too,

somewhere along the long trail

 from that sharing of sunlight

to the dark clouds

thinking in her mind,

 her saying, doing, thinking everything possible,

though she has not the right spells

 to cast to make his heart

as soft as I once was,

an affair of the mind

she once called it,

gone for real

when it all became too real,

tamped down to keep it

from erupting in a public (space)

 when she deep down

does these things always in private.

What does she do

when the words run out,

 and she loses her power of persuasion,

 winning him once,

 and yet unable to do so again,

 is his heart that hard?

Or does he simply have

 too much to lose,

chancing, loving her.


email to Al Sullivan

Two Marys Sept. 7, 2013

 Christ had two Marys in His life,

 the virgin and the whore,

He loved them both,

the woman who became his mother

by immaculate conception

the woman who bore witness

to His death on the cross,

both Marys residing in most women,

giving choice to which they might be,

often fluctuating from one to the other

when we foolish and lustful men

 (sometimes women)

 go back and forth from

wanting one or the other,

 sleeping with the women

 who look up at us on our self-created cross,

 yet aching to spend our lives with the other,

 the Madonna who we need to mother our children.

 How does she do it, being both,

 when once she becomes the one,

men won’t want her for the other,

except for those rare men

who like Christ

willing to embrace both as holy.

email to Al Sullivan

Star struck June 27, 2024



She has become

The Madonna,

I once thought

She was,

A new image

Posed for public


A darker yet

Still angelic look

That strikes me

The way images of her

Did in the past,

Straighter hair

Framing her face,

The intensity of her

Dark eyes,

Waking the urges

The way her gaze

Always did, her mouth,

Always an invitation

For a kiss,

Not quite smiling,

Yet not at all sad,

Her face the face

That set so many

Ships to sail,

More mature,

Yet not old,

If anything

More resolved

Perhaps even

Filled with a sense of peace,

This face the face

I come back to again

And again, if only

In dreams,

Still as potent as

When we were still

Both younger,

When we were both

Still naïve,

An image that leaps

Out at me the minute

I see it,

Almost a stranger,

Certainly different,

Even though it is

The same face,

And I still stare,

Star struck.

email to Al Sullivan

Does he think of her (2014)


Does he think

What it was like

To be with her,

To feel her in

His arms,

To tase her lips

With a kiss?

Does he remember

Her scent

When he was so close,

When he could still reach out

And run his fingers

Through her hair,

Feel her breasts against

The palms of his hands?

Does he think about her

In that way still,

To somehow get back there,

To lie beside her,

To feel her tremble

At his touch?

Does he miss those moment

When he held her,

Protected her,

Feeling himself

Ease into her,

Discovering who she is

And what she loves?

Doe he miss it

As much as I do?

Does he think he can

Get back there

Some day.


email to Al Sullivan

Life line Jan 6, 2014


He knows nothing

I need to know

Yet I keep talking

To him,

A life line

Her soul he has

I don’t.

Even if what he knows

Does me no good

(she having already

Moved beyond him, too),

He clings to whatever

Connection she lets

Exist, maybe unaware

Of how much he loves her,

Connected by a strand

So think he’s scared it

Might break if she suspects

I’m clinging to him

Because of it,

He knows nothing

I need to know,

Yet I hold onto it,

Aching over his having

Something I can’t have,

An avenue of trust

He can reach out to her,

Even if in the end,

He’s merely a hanger-on,

Desperate to keep whatever

Connection he can,

While I am equally desperate,

To keep connected to him,

A life line to a hanger-on,

A dream with not real dream,

Just a hope and

A memory.

email to Al Sullivan

Civil Service protection? Jan. 7, 2014


M conversation with our former temporary boss only reminded me of a similar event last summer when I had dinner with him, and he tried to feed me bullshit about his taking a job on the R campaign.

This was a tidbit he hoped I would feed to GA (the hometown blogger) and he could use to prove (to whomever) that I was GA’s primary source inside our office (when I was not).

But during that conversation, he mentioned our poet and plans (ahead of the still-looming criminal charges against the Virgin Mayor) to get her Civil Service protection, thus keeping her job even if the mayor got convicted.

This, of course, was more than a little ironic since she authored a story (in December 2011) in which the Virgin Mayor, the Governor, the Neighboring Mayor and the Hometown Mayor, all agreed that Civil Service distinctions ought to be done away with.

Her story was largely about the pay out for unpaid sick days, and yet, it suggested that Civil Service was largely a burden on tax payers.

All this is moot these days since it rumors are accurate, she may no longer be employed by the Virgin Mayor, even though he largely won his case.

If our former temporary boss knew anything about any of this during our conversations in my car in front of his house the other day, he made no mention of it, and again, he may simply be ignorant of what is transpiring behind the scenes.

The fact that GA (our blogger) keeps harping on the poet most likely infuriates him, although he may no longer believe I’m her source.

During these conversations, I don’t bring up her name. If she comes into the conversation, he has to introduce it, and when he does, it is often in passing and related to some other aspect of his life.

He apparently has asked her to read the manuscript to his new book. As male writer whose central character is a woman, he says he needs to get a woman’s perspective as to how accurate it is.

This may be simply a way of keeping in touch with her, kind of reversal of roles from when he played mentor to her as a cub. Now, she’s the mentor.

I can’t imagine what advice she might give him, but I’m sure, he’ll lap it up.

The sadness in all this is the fact that she has already moved on from him for the most part – although she did briefly try to recruit him last summer into using the cancer cure she claims allowed her to overcome the disease.

I wish he knew more about it all, what is actually going on in her life that she feels the need to abandon her place of comfort and plunge back into the uncertain universe where nothing is taken for granted.

If rumors are true and she’s gone from her job or going, the next question is: where does she go from here?

email to Al Sullivan

Sweat on a plum’s skin July 2012


I know how sweet you’ll taste

even before I taste you.

From the drip of your lips.

Like the sweat on a plum’s skin,

 so ripe, I ache to pluck you

from that high branch I can’t possibly reach.

I’m always seeking more than I deserve,

desperate to bite deep into the flesh of it,

letting your tender pulp drip down

 into my wide open mouth,

 your essence spilling out

over my lips and chin and onto my chest.

I know how sweet you’ll be

long before the tip of my tongue

 reaches the pit,

your moist presence over all of me,

it is never enough.


email to Al Sullivan

Friday, June 28, 2024

You inside of me July 2012

 I let you climb

 inside of me,

now I don’t know

 how to let you out,

 feeling you stir,

your breath coming

and going with my own,

 your heart beating

 as I struggle to contain you,

 this all-encompassing presence

 that fogs over my eyes

 and my thoughts and leaves me

 too full, too filled up,

you spilling out from my lips,

 from between my hips,

 your scent and taste

 coming into my mouth

and across my tongue.

I taste you and love every bit of it,

scared to death you might

 suddenly vacate me,

leaving me empty,

a husk absent any real purpose.

I let you climb inside of me,

 let you fill up my every pore

 until I do not know

which part of me is me

and which is you,

and I don’t care.

email to Al Sullivan